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Open ACES: Star Wars Day
August 26, 2016
“Are you a user of the Force?” said Kylo Ren. “Yes” repeated a young boy with autism. The boy then activated his lightsaber to absorb the force lightening. The “Jedi Training” provided by Kylo Ren was one of many Star Wars themed activities offered as part of the “Open ACES” program. Although the children called…

Service In Action
July 12, 2016
Service In Action July 12, 2016, If you ask any ACES employee what the core values of the company are, there’s a good chance they would be able to repeat them with conviction. The ACES culture is rich with examples of moments where each value has been exemplified. While there are seven commonly discussed values…

Basketball Camp
June 21, 2016
“Let’s just try it” I overheard one mom saying to her young son as I quickly walked by to get to the group. He was clinging to her hand, crying, and falling to the floor. I asked a rhetorical question to ease the situation, “Is he coming to basketball camp?” “Yes” she responded. I slowed…

Nora’s Colors of the Wind
May 10, 2016
Nora is someone who enters a room so intensely that it is impossible to forget the first time you met her. For me that day was the start of this school year. I was participating in the vocational training program offered at ACES in a volunteer partnership with our local school district’s adult transition program….

Understanding Autism – Understanding Behavior...
April 26, 2016
We are the sum total of our genetic makeup and our environmental experiences. It’s not 50% genetics and 50% environment. It’s 100% of both that make us what we are and our individualized learning and growth makes us who we are. While much has been made of “Autism Awareness,” at this point, a month dedicated…

ACES 20th Anniversary Extravaganza
April 21, 2016
On April 15th, ACES partnered with The New Children’s Museum in San Diego, California to host the ACES 20th anniversary extravaganza for our clients and their families. Those in attendance were treated to unrestricted private access to the museum, dinner, giveaways and more. Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Kristin Farmer, expressed her gratitude on behalf…