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Starbuck’s Dancing Barista

Starbuck’s Dancing Barista

February 4, 2016

In late January, a viral video entitled “Dancing Barista” highlighted the quality of work and passion that individuals with autism can bring to companies. Sam, a teen diagnosed with autism and a movement disorder, worried that his diagnosis, combined with sudden movements, would hinder his ability to work effectively as a barista at Starbucks. Despite…

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Where Passion Can Be Found

Where Passion Can Be Found

February 4, 2016

Even before I became a parent, my pull-yourself-up-by-the-bootstraps urban upbringing ignited my passion for a safe, stereotypical suburban life. I wanted a life where a mother’s greatest concern was getting her kids into the right school, the right extracurriculars, and the right coordinating outfits for the annual family photo. My passion, then, was about making…

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ACES and ABA Looking Back &#8211; 20 Years

ACES and ABA Looking Back – 20 Years

February 1, 2016

I would like to share a brief look back and note some key events that all contributed to ACES ABA as it exists today. I will actually step back further than 20 years to include the point at which Applied Behavior Analysis launched the first journal dedicated to applying the science of behavior, Behavior Analysis,…

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2016 Presidential Candidates Plans for Autism

2016 Presidential Candidates Plans for Autism

January 25, 2016

Earlier this year, Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton released her broad plan to help people of all ages and their families who are impacted by autism. Secretary Clinton says she will help the 1 in 68 Americans with autism by doing the following: Launch a national early screening campaign Ensure health insurance coverage for autism services…

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20 Years, Looking Back

20 Years, Looking Back

January 13, 2016

Looking back in time used to trigger deep emotions in me. I would think how I wish I had handled all of the unusual and unsettling experiences of autism with more patience and compassion. I’ve often said that “autism brought out the worst in me until it brought out the best.” It is now the…

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Appreciating the Contrasts of the Season

Appreciating the Contrasts of the Season

December 24, 2015

We know the holiday season is officially here when Christmas trees start popping up in vacant lots and in the seasonal aisles of our favorite stores. Tree lighting ceremonies are everywhere: The White House, Rockefeller Center, our hometowns. Many of us include a tree in our home, regardless of our faith, because it’s just always…

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