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Celebrating Father&#8217;s Day

Celebrating Father’s Day

June 18, 2015

Before you had a child with autism you envisioned what it was going to be like to be someone’s father. A DAD. You thought your job was going to be to provide for the family, coach little league, lead camping expeditions, and be a comforting shoulder to cry on. That all changed when your child…

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Divorced Dads on Father&#8217;s Day

Divorced Dads on Father’s Day

June 17, 2015

All parents of children on the spectrum have an incredibly difficult job, particularly those raising kids after a divorce. You may be a divorced dad but your commitment and connection to your child with autism remains strong. Involved Autism Dads; married, single and divorced, are all around us. They should be recognized and celebrated on…

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Father’s Day: Ideas for Divorced Families

Father’s Day: Ideas for Divorced Families

June 15, 2015

General Tips Step One: Plan early. The earlier you and the father of your child can agree on what he would like to do on Father’s Day the easier the day will be. Be specific about who is doing what and when. Clear, specific plans help everyone remain calmer and enjoy the day. Check websites…

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Temple Grandin Featured in Online Seminar

Temple Grandin Featured in Online Seminar

June 8, 2015

ACES is always looking for information, resources and activities that support awareness and connections for those in the autism and learning differences community. Please see the link below to a special, free series of conversations featuring well-known and highly respected Dr. Temple Grandin. Professor Grandin has demonstrated how living with autism has been an advantage…

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Grandparents on Father&#8217;s Day

Grandparents on Father’s Day

June 6, 2015

Often times grandparents are playing a critical part in supporting and encouraging their child raising a child with autism. Families with involved grandparents can lead to better outcomes not only for the child, but also for the grandparents. Your participation in your child’s family activities keeps you content and fulfilled with purpose and helps manage…

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Grandparents of Grandchildren with Autism on Mother’s Day

Grandparents of Grandchildren with Autism on ...

May 5, 2015

Grandparents frequently play a critical part in supporting and encouraging their child raising a child with autism. Families with involved grandparents can lead to better outcomes not only for the child, but also for the grandparents. Your participation in your child’s family activities keeps you content and fulfilled with purpose… and helps manage a busy…

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